Our Imported Dogs

Muscletones Gizmo

Gizmo has been imported from Muscletone Bullys in the U.K. 

He is an incredible boy with an amazing pedigree. Son to the world famous Muscletones Grch Mr Bean. Gizmo is our newest import and just starting to be incorporated into our program. The future is looking very exciting.

Muscletones/Rbbks Stormzy


Stormzy has been imported from Muscletone Bullys UK and RBBKs in the U.K. 

Stormzy AKA big boof is half brother to Gizmo, sharing the same mother Big Dogs Romania Storm. His father is Dynamights Inferno. Stormzy is a beautiful example of the breed. Bred to standard, moves beautifully, and does well in the show ring.  


Muscletones/Makavelis Nefertari


Nefertari was imported from Muscletones USA

Nefertari, along with Muscletones Boss, were the very first Muscletone blood to be imported to Australia. Nef is the daughter of the legandary Muscletones Ch Magoo. She is now retired, and living on the couch like a queen. She has made a huge impact in the start of our kennel.

Muscletones/Makavelis Boss

Boss was imported from Muscletone Bullys USA.

Boss and Nefertari were the very first Muscletone blood to be imported to Australia. Boss father is the beast Muscletones Grch Casablanca. Boss is now sold, but was a very important part of our start up.

KBK Champion Remi

Ch Remi is the first ABKC female Champion in history to be in Australia. We imported her from Karma Bully Kennels, Kansas USA.  

Ch Remi is the daughter of the legend Dual Gr ch Bowser, one of the most successful showdogs in the history of the breed. Ch Remi, just like her father, was built for the ring. She has gone on to bless us with some stunning litters, and has added a crucial element to our program. 

Muscletones Kit Kat

Kit Kat was imported from Muscletones USA

Kit Kat is a super short Muscletones Ch Magoo daughter. She is now retired and living her best life

Double D's Ole'

Ole’ was imported from Kansas USA. 

Ole’ was purchased from ABKC judge Alex Ferraro, owner of the legendary Ch Lucky Luciano, one of the all time greats of the breed. Ole’ is a Ch Lucky Luciano daughter.

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